Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Treasure Your Preferences

After following through with someone else’s plan for my life, I have finally discovered the amazing benefits of doing what I love to do.

First of all, it was a challenge of self-doubt even to explore the idea of what I love to do.

I kept listening to the direction that came to me, though, and now have put together a combination of all my favorite things.

It feels completely different to be happy all the time about what I do.

I love every part of it.

I get to play with wonderful materials.

I get to meet with the people who enjoy the same kinds of activities I like to do.

I get to be a natural introvert and only share when I feel like it.

I get to play with designs and go to visit the print shop and see them work their magic on my originals.

It is fun to share the different steps with the people who are helping me bring about my products.

Trusting my preferences is leading to a delightful life and one that I can continue to build on with happiness and satisfaction.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Near and Far

How do the things I do today build what I want for the future?

What are the qualities in my life which will let me develop and take my ideas forward?

I appreciated learning about this in a book written for high schoolers by Napoleon Hill, called “The Law of Success in Sixteen Lessons”.

Since it is in the same style as his more famous book “Think and Grow Rich”, it conveys great respect for the abilities of young people to achieve.

The good work habits and rigorous thinking applied to daily life and responsible relationships in both personal and business life require consistency and discipline.

There is no substitute for integrity.

There is no fast track.

This is not a quick read.

Steady application of the principles creates a strong foundation for success.

Rereading the book shows how deeply the ideas have penetrated and leaves room for more study and application.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, September 8, 2017

Choosing Peace and Balance

Finding your place in the world based on doing what you love creates more peace in the world.

Your own mind is not agitated.

You see where you fit into society and you like it.

It is comfortable, satisfying and productive for you.

People love to come to you for what you do.

Your contribution to your community through this feeling of peace and being valued is vital and important.

Others want to feel this way, too.

As you demonstrate your harmony and peace through committing yourself to what you love to do, you create more balance in society.

As you draw in more people to this idea and help create the conditions for more self-fulfillment, more productivity and satisfaction, you eliminate worry, concern and agitation.

A deep sense of peace within the community is created.

People can celebrate one another and support their businesses.

Students can aspire to fulfilling life-work.

Life based on fulfillment and happiness in personal expression is non-competitive.

It is cooperative as businesses compliment each other and expand the services which are available.

A community with peace and balance creates different kind of mindset which benefits everyone.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Valuing Your Own Path

Feeling your own value comes through the ideas which you love.

Your ideas create the most value.

They fulfill your dreams.

They challenge you to accomplish them.

The guide, direct and comfort you as you take each step.

Your path will develop in its own way.

Listen to how it feels.

There is always an element of happiness, excitement, delight, commitment.

The deepest satisfaction comes from valuing your own ideas.

Your path has a distinct and definite feel to it.

Your best contribution comes through the ideas which come to you.

They are the ones best suited to you.

When you accept them, you move toward a new phase in your mind.

It opens up a different kind of world to you.

You create a world where you love what you do.

It attracts wonderful elements to you which are fun to share.

You have a conscious sense of your own value which is apparent to those around you.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Respect Your Inner Drive

Start your self-respect early.

Believe in your intuition.

There is a different way of going through the world than the dominant one presented to us.

The one that feels good to your inner sense is the best way for you.

Following your inner drive, you will feel gently guided and led to all the right connections.

You will have time to develop your skill.

You will embrace all the things you need to be successful.

A great work environment, wonderful colleagues and clients, ready access to materials.

And most of all, deep satisfaction in your worthwhile work.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Attracting Flow and Balance

What is most useful to you is discovering what you love and moving to create your life out of those elements.

What you love defines you.

It is the identity you carry with you in life, in thought, in everything you do.

Your identity supports who you are.

It is the most direct line to what you want to achieve with guidance from within.

It is the way you will make the most effective contribution to society and civilization.

The harmony in your life and in your surroundings will generate more for the world than anything else you do.

Creating and living from the sense of perfect balance and flow energizes in a powerful way, i.e. no loss.

It connects you with the best resources, the best way of doing what you love.

Listening to the senses within to guide you in making decisions, big and small, gives you a more direct way to your goal.

You keep your balance and allow the flow of ideas essential to your progress, your project.

Trust the feeling of what you love.

Let it establish the flow and balance of your life.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, August 4, 2017

How To Think For Yourself

Listen within.  Feel your intuition.  Be yourself.  Note the difference.

Instead of being swept along by what is in the public eye, you have the right to discover an entirely different life.

Your goals are the ones that mean something to you.

You may have carried a goal all your life that you can finally address.

You may just now discover a new possibility for yourself.

You are the one who knows what fits.

It is fine to try out different goals and to work the jobs that are available and to gain experiences.

But keep listening for what you love and for what you value most.

Let that grow in thought and let it lead you to a different destination by a different way.

Surely, this is why you are here.

To experience and find out new things and to discover what you love.

Surely this is the goal with the most satisfaction for you.

Surely, this will put you in contact with people of like-mind who have the same values of loving what they do.

Surely, this is the best way to build community.

Surely, this is the best way to find fulfillment.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, July 21, 2017

Long-Held Desires

It is important to act on long-held desires

They are attainable.

You are here to be fulfilled.

When you can see the work that you desire to do, it is your right to be able to do it.

If it takes a long time to put yourself in position, that is OK.

The sincerity of your desire will take you there.

You will explore the steps you have always wanted to take and appreciate the fact that it is now possible.

Whatever is deeply within you has a right to be expressed and enjoyed.

You are the best person to judge how you feel and to direct your steps.

You can take them with confidence as you get more and more practice.

Act now in the direction of your own desire.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

My Many Ways of Learning

Even though I learned things the way I was taught in public school, and followed directions to the letter to learn to play a musical instrument to a professional level, there are other ways I learn things.

I explore new things and I learn them in different ways.

Without the coaching of step-by-step hand positions and tables of facts to memorize, I employ my curiosity with a very different rhythm.

The rhythm changes according to what I am learning and how new it is to me.

Sometimes I read the directions over and over again.

Sometimes I just jump in.

Sometimes I take tiny, tiny steps over a long period of time.

Sometimes, I gather materials and create a bunch of things all at once.

All these ways work.

The little tiny steps gradually grow into a large useful product.

The spontaneously created things get refined.

The patterns I make up as I go get modified as I go until I have a delightful finished product.

The imaginative use of materials is one of my favorite ways to learn.

I, myself, have no idea of the results until I see them take shape.

The favorite thing that I have learned is that I enjoy these many different approaches and that I am not tied to any preconceived results.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

The Part Within

How do you take care of the part within you?

How do you nurture your soul, your artist’s sense, the feeling of integrity?

All of those indicate something of your inner nature.

When you feed your inner nature, you cultivate the kind of life you want to live.

When you feed only your immediate needs, without thought for how your actions affect your entire life, you may cut yourself off from the best part.

Of course, you can do what you need to do to earn a living.

You can better yourself and your situation by continually cultivating the ability to do your best work.

As you apply excellence and honesty to everything you do, you will attract more opportunities to express them.

You can cultivate generosity, compassion, and have an uplifting attitude.

You can cultivate inventiveness, efficiency, and happiness.

Everything you put into the situation will multiply as you think about it and do it.

Nurturing the sense of who you are gives you more room to express it.

Be sure to contemplate the highest ideals possible and include them in every way.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

From Wholeness to Wholeness

Value your incoming thoughts and let them lead you where and how to be whole.  

That is what starts the income flow.

Consider what is vital to you and focus on that.

Listen for those directions.

Your sense of direction is the feeling of what makes you whole.

It is unique to your individuality.

Wholeness is a way of proceeding.

You start from a feeling of what it is like to be where you want to be.

You have a complete feeling about it.

You move from wholeness to wholeness.

It is all-encompassing.

Whatever you need is included.

A timetable of completeness is part of the process.

It does not include rushing or pushing.

It does not allow holding back.

It is a patient process, though, while you work out what it is you need to do next.

By listening and being patient, you will find yourself moving in the right direction.

As you feel whole and complete your goal, you may find that it is just one stop on your path.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, June 19, 2017


Sometimes,  with the inspiration and excitement of an idea, it is hard to feel patient to allow the development of the idea to take place.

The idea feels so wonderful and we want to see it right away!

Actually, the idea is the promise.

It is emerging in thought.

As you nurture it and enjoy it, it will attract the resources and connections to appear.

This is the time to cultivate a listening attitude every time you think about how wonderful the idea is.

As yo go about you daily life, you mind is working on the connections.

The events of your life, past and present, are bringing the elements together to create and form the idea.

You will find yourself glancing through a catalog and finding the perfect element to include in your idea.

You will find yourself, driving through a neighborhood and seeing a wonderful arrangement in someone’s yard, which gives you added inspiration for your idea.

You will be having lunch and reading a book and another element will present itself.

All these elements are coming together as you go about your day, and they are combining.

They will present the perfect balance in your idea’s presentation, marketing, connection with customers and clients.

Best of all, you will enjoy the whole process.

Be happy, and be patient.

It is all coming together.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, June 5, 2017

Start Giving

Do not wait until you fulfill some kind of circumstance, but start giving right away.

You have an innate sense of what your gifts are because you are drawn to certain things.

You give from your deepest sense of who you are.

Throughout your life, you will gain a deeper sense of your identity and how to give.

You always give from your heart’s overflow.

You give when you are moved to do so.

You give because you come from an Infinite Source.

Your giving uplifts and comforts and informs.

You present a different and higher view when you give.

You always give generously.

Your unique vision helps you identity a need which you can support with your gifts.

Your particular point of view allows you to create solutions to the problems you see.

You are always in touch with your Source whenever you listen within, so it is easy to identify where you can give.

Nothing can prevent you from sharing your gifts and giving widely.

You have a natural attraction to the people and places who will receive your gifts most gladly.

You are supported by your ability to give and your natural desire to share your gifts.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage