Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Creating Happiness

The new committed direction to creating safety for students has unified young people all over the country and all over the world.

Not only are they seeking to insure safety in their schools, they are actively involved in seeking solutions to deal with the environment and with climate change.

Stewarding the environment deals with creating a policy to nurture and protect plant and animal life.

It deals with implementing proven sustainable agriculture policies such as agro-ecology and dryland practices.

Facing the reality of climate change involves policy to reduce carbon emissions.

Policy to support renewable energy is a key goal.

These are some of the ways that young people’s awareness and action are taking hold all over the world.

The millennials are facing a tough situation and addressing it in vigorous and creative ways.

Creating happiness involves recognizing each individual as valued and able to contribute to society.

Micropreneurism allows individuals to create jobs for themselves where they see a need.

Social businesses are another way of doing business where all the profits are fed back into the business.

Those who work in social businesses have the benefit of the job and others receive the benefit of the product and services.

More happiness is possible where the energies of everyone can be applied to what is important to them in ways which benefit the community.

People have the dignity of choosing their work and doing it.

More creativity and imagination is applied to real needs and the improvement of everyone in the community is addressed.

As young people turn their attention to solving problems in new ways, people who have been neglected traditionally and currently can be benefitted.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, February 2, 2019

The Wholeness of Society

Young people are leading the way through their shared experiences.

They are seeking and creating connections in a completely different way than previous generations.

Their desire for community is creating a unified approach.

By seeing everywhere as whole, the right steps can be taken to allow all of us to participate in the lifting up process.

As we move collectively toward caring and sharing, we are demonstrating our care for the wholeness of society.

Utilizing the power of communication, the shared emotions of young people are making a powerful impact.

Instead of allowing society to continue to fragment around them, young people are taking unified action.

The conscious forces within leadership are fearful of this kind of action.

The betterment of the whole society is challenging the previous power of selfish action.

Perhaps we are tired enough of the instability caused by selfish action on a large scale.

Perhaps we are moving toward a sense of wholeness where everyone is valued.

Perhaps this idea of the wholeness of society is also a good way to steward the earth and its resources.

Perhaps this is the time we have been waiting for.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage