Friday, December 20, 2019

The Safety of Children

When we provide safety for children, we put them at the center of our lives.

We see them as precious.

We honor them for what they are.

Children come with the resources they need, curiosity, courage, intelligence, communication.

We can keep them safe when we provide a nurturing attitude and harmonious atmosphere for their growth and development.

They give us signs for what they need.

We can tell when they are engaged as they explore.

We can tell when they desire to be independent and trust themselves in new situations.

We can tell when they are ready to do something familiar.

Our own view grows as we let our children develop naturally in harmonious settings.

We are able to trust our children.

We see them gain confidence as they become familiar with their surroundings.

They take their confidence with them as they consider new challenges.

They become self-assured, trusting themselves in their decision-making.

They make sound choices for companionship.

Instead of leading overscheduled, overstimulated lives, they are able to find peace and stillness when they desire it.

They develop a baseline of experiences which are beneficial to them through their own choices.

They are able to develop all the other skills they need to direct their own lives in a positive manner.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, November 18, 2019

What Young People Know

Young people know to trust the authenticity of what they are experiencing.

They are conscious of their collective experience.

They are buiding on this experience to make big changes.

Collectively, they are able to take on big obstacles.

They are aware of their power and are using it.

Their first-hand experience of crisis is motivating them.

Their ability to relate to others is driving their inclusivity.

Their access to resources is fueling their outreach.

Values have changed for young people.

They are aware of a much larger world and they are finding their place in it.

They desire a better life for everyone.

They are active in causes both locally and far away from their own communities.

This collective consciusness is a complete paradigm shift from the practices which have led to our current situation.

They are driving the changes we will all be living with.

It is time to watch and to prepare.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Innate Deep Power

The power of today’s youth movement is expressing their innate deep power.

The young can feel the difference between what is true and what is a lie.

They have not been so influenced and corrupted by daily decisions and acceptances of wrong, little by little.

They see the sharp contrast between what is healthy action and what is not.

They are mentoring themselves as they communicate their ideals and their fears.

Common fears have drawn them together in a powerful movement to demand change.

The way things have been done is no longer acceptable.

Their clear vision is created by a reality which does not include privilege for decision-makers who have moved the planet in a destructive direction.

They are aware and motivated and are taking action.

Their leaders come from wthin their ranks.

Many have stepped into unplanned leadership.

Their sincerity and understanding of the true threat to their futures is unmarred by the past.

Theirs is a powerful message.

As present leadership resists their message and pleas for their own privilege, it will find itself overrun as well as irrelevant.

The strength of todays’ youth movement is in its honesty.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, May 26, 2019

The Moment

There is always a moment when everything comes together and you feel the wholeness of who you are.

This may occur in stages over a period of time, or it may occur in a flash of realization.

All the areas of input which are necessary to create the moment combine.

Resources which have to do with your personality may have been implanted from the very beginning of your life.  

These may be to your advantage or they may be obstacles to overcome.

Either way, they move you forward.

There is an impulsion, an urge, which comes about, and its’ consistency moves you forward.

As you respond to the requirement to take action, ideas well up from within.

There is a sense of direction to take steps in priority order.

The one step which is most prevalent is the first one.

All the other steps are revealed in this listening, meditative state.

Even if you are not sure or have no idea of what to do, your quiet, meditative listening will bring it to you.

Even if your mind is flooded with impetus and ideas, you must wait in the quiet and stillness for direction.

You may go on with whatever else you are doing, and the moment will appear.

As you continue your listening practice, you will become more attuned to your inner direction.

When the moment appears, you will know.

It is a good idea to cultivate the kind of mind-flow which allows you to feel the moment.

Preparing creates an attitude of expectancy.

When you anticipate wholeness, you listen for it.

You are aware that everything you do takes you closer to wholeness.

Live, breathe, listen, and feel the moment.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Your Own Goals

Only the goals which come authentically to you are the ones worth pursuing.

They are what will teach you what you need to know.

They are the only ones which will give you full satisfaction.

As you listen for your life’s direction, you will know when you have the best fit.

Improving your skills gives you the best satisfaction.

Using your skills to improve your life and to uplift others expands your purpose.

Your connection to others is characterised by your sincerity toward your own goals.

As you develop your skill over time, you will develop long-lasting relationships.

You will be able to trust yourself and you will know how to trust others.

Your sense of integrity will guide you in your associations.

You have a clear sense of identity as you give into the ideas which excite you.

Your passion gives you the energy and commitment to do well.

You feel the deep satisfaction of working hard and seeing progress.

You gain the respect of others as you deepen your commitment.

You are gaining a place as you practice your skill honestly.

Others seek you out for your excellence and integrity.

They know you honour your commitments.

They know the quality of work you bring to a job.

The foundation you lay in the workplace reflects your commitment to excellence as you practice your skill.

Your reputation builds day by day.

You see unique and creative solutions.

You look forward to devoting yourself to excellence performance every day.

You have a sense of satisfaction at the end of every day.

Your reputation grows as you improve.

You never lack for friends nor employment.

You live a life of uplifting contribution through your development and devotion to your skill.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, May 10, 2019

More Than Relief

Deep peace is more than relief; it is a continuing presence.

Instead of having to come back to peace after a disturbance, the disturbance simply does not disrupt.

It is like stepping over a rain puddle instead of into it.

Without response to a disturbance, the disruption does not occur.

Peace continues.

The activity of peace increases, permeating everything it touches.

People feel the presence of peace and the deep experience of contentment which it brings.

Kindness produces peace which spreads to the next encounter.

Continuing to be kind despite disturbances cancels out the disruption.

Peace maintains itself.

A disruption requires a reaction, otherwise it dies away.

The challenge is not to be impressed enough by disruption to increase it.

Let it go by being kind instead.

Let peace be the norm of the day, through kindness, consideration and thoughtfulness.

With peace within, we are naturally drawn to pay attention to what is of value.

Our sense of contentment draws us to peaceful expression.

Our ability to express peace extends into conversation, business, and art.

We increase peace by spending time being peaceful.

Addressing the needs for expression through conversation and art and literature of an uplifting nature develops more peaceful expression.

Commitment to peace through consideration of all others brings the natural consequences of peace.

Our need to express peace is always present.

Peace is the deep desire within all of us.

The ability to express peace through art, literature, dance results in deep emotional satisfaction.

Developing emotional satisfaction through uplifting expression creates peace.

Building peaceful expression goes much deeper than relief.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Thursday, April 18, 2019

A Made-Up Storm

I respond to my guidance within whenever I feel I am in the middle of a made-up storm.

Often, there are lots of opinions coming from multiple points of view.

Instead of trying to find my way through all the options, I listen calmly to my intuition.

Then, I walk my course right through the storm.

The storm may continue behind me, but once I am clear of it, it no longer confuses me.

I know what my direction is and I can focus on it and walk it.

There are many times that a path may draw criticism, so it is important to have a deep sense of purpose and direction.

Sometimes there are so many possible paths to take with advantages for each one.

In every case, your own inner guidance will give you clear direction.

You can bypass the confusion, criticism, options, opinions, (including your own), and take the calm path.

With so many people jockeying for position, it can seem that a particular path is surely the one to take.

Instead of following along with the excitement, it is much more valuable to become calm and to take a quiet path.

You are the person who can feel what is best for you.

No one else is standing where you are.

No one else can see what you can see.

It is your purpose and privilege to listen for the unique ideas and direction that comes to you.

No one else’s opinion or evaluation has any value whatsoever.

You attract the calm from within to create a balanced life-path.

The storm around you is just the confusion of lives which do not have the focus you do.

Let your life focus on calm and you can walk through the storm every time.

You will keep yourself productive and engaged with your life’s purpose.

The storm is not yours.

Calm is yours.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Creating Your Own Life

By embracing and sharing the ideals which are most important to you, you are creating the best life for yourself and for those around you.

When you create a life based on truth and honesty, you can see clearly what you need to accomplish.

With genuine goals of self-fulfillment, you will participate in the kind of society which creates well-being for all of its members.

Your business creation to address social needs will feed the profits back into the business directly.

Your co-operatives will engage everyone in making decisions which benefit all members of the co-operative.

The interactions in your society will be inclusive and will solve problems from the ground up.

This grassroots process will remove many obstacles before they grow into obstructions.

Your own life contribution will be fulfilling and satisfying.

You will have interactions with all members in the community which are respectful and dignified.

The mutual respect and meeting of genuine needs will create communities and societies which are more harmonious, peaceful and secure than have ever been experienced.

Your individual contribution will blend with many to be unified and strong as it uplifts by meeting genuine needs.

Earth stewardship will be one of its characteristics.

People stewardship will advance with respectful use of resources.

Profit stewardship will be in proportion as business needs dictate.

Shareholders will become more and more investment partners who allow the business to profit as it fulfills its goals.

Your life will acquire more significance as you blend your efforts into being part of the process of creating well[-being for everyone in your community.

Your life will be satisfying in purpose and in outcome.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Creating Happiness

The new committed direction to creating safety for students has unified young people all over the country and all over the world.

Not only are they seeking to insure safety in their schools, they are actively involved in seeking solutions to deal with the environment and with climate change.

Stewarding the environment deals with creating a policy to nurture and protect plant and animal life.

It deals with implementing proven sustainable agriculture policies such as agro-ecology and dryland practices.

Facing the reality of climate change involves policy to reduce carbon emissions.

Policy to support renewable energy is a key goal.

These are some of the ways that young people’s awareness and action are taking hold all over the world.

The millennials are facing a tough situation and addressing it in vigorous and creative ways.

Creating happiness involves recognizing each individual as valued and able to contribute to society.

Micropreneurism allows individuals to create jobs for themselves where they see a need.

Social businesses are another way of doing business where all the profits are fed back into the business.

Those who work in social businesses have the benefit of the job and others receive the benefit of the product and services.

More happiness is possible where the energies of everyone can be applied to what is important to them in ways which benefit the community.

People have the dignity of choosing their work and doing it.

More creativity and imagination is applied to real needs and the improvement of everyone in the community is addressed.

As young people turn their attention to solving problems in new ways, people who have been neglected traditionally and currently can be benefitted.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage