Monday, November 18, 2019

What Young People Know

Young people know to trust the authenticity of what they are experiencing.

They are conscious of their collective experience.

They are buiding on this experience to make big changes.

Collectively, they are able to take on big obstacles.

They are aware of their power and are using it.

Their first-hand experience of crisis is motivating them.

Their ability to relate to others is driving their inclusivity.

Their access to resources is fueling their outreach.

Values have changed for young people.

They are aware of a much larger world and they are finding their place in it.

They desire a better life for everyone.

They are active in causes both locally and far away from their own communities.

This collective consciusness is a complete paradigm shift from the practices which have led to our current situation.

They are driving the changes we will all be living with.

It is time to watch and to prepare.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage