Friday, November 16, 2018

Hearing And Acting

The young people are hearing and acting on the ideas which are most important for their generation.

No longer will they let the selfish corporate interests take away their freedom to grow up in safety and to live well.

They are unifying and empowering themselves through social media.

They are connecting directly with the power of voting.

They are acting with intelligent dispatch.

They are sensitive to the needs of others and are working with each other to create better government.

Their mentoring is coming from within their own communities.

They know what to do and they are doing it.

It is a remarkable thing to observe the awareness with which they are imbued and the compassion which they are expanding all around them.

Youth and idealism and practical action are a formidable strength.

We are seeing the ideals which empower youth and the egregious suffering which they have seen so young combine into effective action.

They are sharing their trust with each other, and reshaping the institutions which have failed them.

They are working within the law to break up the sickness which selfishness and greed have turned loose upon even the young.

The desire to express the ideals with which they have been educated is turning into powerful and effective action.

This whole movement has begun from grief and trauma and is being enacted with dispatch to relieve suffering.

I stand in awe.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Speak Up to Protect

Most of us grow up with a desire to nurture and protect what is close to us.

It may be family, it may be Nature, it may be a cause that we are involved in.

We must make sure our voices are heard in cases where there are infringements.

No where is this more evident than in today’s politics, so more and more of us are speaking up to protect, defend, and expand the practice of democracy.

The feeling of crisis as we see commercial and corporate interests taking away physical safety, as well as food, water and ecological safety is extreme.

So, many groups and individuals have become involved as we take part in correcting egregious practices.

We are all valuable and precious in our appreciation of our freedoms.

We are all valuable and precious in what we have to contribute to civilization and society.

In order to make those contributions, we must be free to live and to vote.

Our decision-making ability is most harmonious through unrestricted voting for all members of our communities.

Without a peaceful method of making our voices heard, more stringent methods become inevitable.

By releasing all to vote and respecting and valuing their right to do so, we create a society which is fair and balanced.

Such a society can progress within and without.

Such a society can address problems with solutions to benefit all of us.

The narrow-minded thinking of greed is trying to erode the benefits of a representative government for such a pitiable reason, personal control of resources.

Such selfish motives have no place in a democracy which exists to benefit all her people.

I am grateful to hear so many voices speaking up to protect and defend all of us.

© 2018 Kathryn Hardage