Thursday, August 17, 2017

Respect Your Inner Drive

Start your self-respect early.

Believe in your intuition.

There is a different way of going through the world than the dominant one presented to us.

The one that feels good to your inner sense is the best way for you.

Following your inner drive, you will feel gently guided and led to all the right connections.

You will have time to develop your skill.

You will embrace all the things you need to be successful.

A great work environment, wonderful colleagues and clients, ready access to materials.

And most of all, deep satisfaction in your worthwhile work.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Attracting Flow and Balance

What is most useful to you is discovering what you love and moving to create your life out of those elements.

What you love defines you.

It is the identity you carry with you in life, in thought, in everything you do.

Your identity supports who you are.

It is the most direct line to what you want to achieve with guidance from within.

It is the way you will make the most effective contribution to society and civilization.

The harmony in your life and in your surroundings will generate more for the world than anything else you do.

Creating and living from the sense of perfect balance and flow energizes in a powerful way, i.e. no loss.

It connects you with the best resources, the best way of doing what you love.

Listening to the senses within to guide you in making decisions, big and small, gives you a more direct way to your goal.

You keep your balance and allow the flow of ideas essential to your progress, your project.

Trust the feeling of what you love.

Let it establish the flow and balance of your life.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage

Friday, August 4, 2017

How To Think For Yourself

Listen within.  Feel your intuition.  Be yourself.  Note the difference.

Instead of being swept along by what is in the public eye, you have the right to discover an entirely different life.

Your goals are the ones that mean something to you.

You may have carried a goal all your life that you can finally address.

You may just now discover a new possibility for yourself.

You are the one who knows what fits.

It is fine to try out different goals and to work the jobs that are available and to gain experiences.

But keep listening for what you love and for what you value most.

Let that grow in thought and let it lead you to a different destination by a different way.

Surely, this is why you are here.

To experience and find out new things and to discover what you love.

Surely this is the goal with the most satisfaction for you.

Surely, this will put you in contact with people of like-mind who have the same values of loving what they do.

Surely, this is the best way to build community.

Surely, this is the best way to find fulfillment.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage