Sunday, November 16, 2014

You ARE Here to Change the World

The old resources are gone and you have brought your new ones with you.

They are within, and you are learning how to listen for them and to use them.

The new resources come from your soul.

You are here to bless and be blessed.

You are here to be useful and perpetuate usefulness.

You are here to be inventive and creative and to develop a new way of life.

There is a way of life which could value everyone.

Some cultures practice it now.

There is a way of life which could take care of everyone.

Some cultures practice it now.

There is a way of life where people can do the things that they love and contribute and uplift society and civilization with their love.

Some individuals practice it now.

You will have to live differently.

You arrived here at the cusp.

Something new is happening.

And you are the ones who are doing it.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

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