Sunday, November 23, 2014

What You Are Made Of

You are honestly made up of the thoughts you thing and the energies you embody.

You are made up of honesty, integrity, delight, intelligence, humor.

These have a form, and it is you.

Or you may be made up of frustration, anger resentment, stupidity, and despair.

All of these thoughts and energies have an effect on the body you are living in.

When you use your imagination and desire to direct an redirect your thoughts and energies, you begin to find solutions.

If you are living in a world which others have created around you, and we all are, you can begin to create a better, more uplifting world for yourself.

Choose the thoughts and energies which will lift you out and up and let these energies dilute the downward, greedy, corrupt selfish ones.

Others will see the light you are emitting a you gently burn your path outward and upward and they, too, will seek the light energies within themselves.

We will all remake the world around us so it works to uplift and empower and guide and protect and care for all of us.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

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