It may be that you have been fed some misinformation.
If you are experiencing unhappiness or estrangement, you may have been mislead.
As you are willing to look at the relationship again, and gradually remove yourself from the emotional element, it may be that there are other possibilities in your life.
It may be that what you originally thought really didn’t have its origin in you.
It may be that something better, much better is waiting for you.
The way to find out is first, to be willing.
The next, and most important step, is to get in touch with your own individuality.
This will never steer you wrong.
You will have to get used to it, of course.
You may have been under the influence and not really know your own mind yet.
As you discover your own direction and remove yourself from the imbalances in your life, it may be that you will discover love.
Love where you never thought it was before.
Love where it has been hidden from you.
Your own deep exploration of your own individuality removed from its old familiarities may be open to something less habitual.
There may be a treasure for you that you never suspected.
© 2014 Kathryn Hardage