Thursday, August 1, 2013

Good Things

Despite the news of gloom and doom, many wonderful things are happening.

What is being reported is only on the surface.

The disruption underneath is bring all the mess up to the surface where it is visible.

The disruption is a cleansing, a purging of bad practices that have gone on so long that they can no longer be hid.

They are being brought to the surface in just the right way to bring about a deep reorganization.

We perceive people differently now than we did one hundred years ago.

We perceive them differently than even a decade ago.

We have more compassion, more awareness.

And we want equality.

We want good things for everyone.

We want room for all the individuality and creativity to be expressed.

After all, that is why we are who we are.

So, my thanks to the folks who are showing us the weakness of the system.

And even as they try to distort it beyond all recognition from the original intent of our country’s founders, we can be grateful for their demonstration of the weakness of the system in order to make room for the new awareness, the new paradigm.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

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