Monday, June 17, 2013

What's Inside, Anyway?

Do not live by what is around you.

You can live a different way.

You can establish different surroundings.

What is around you is within you.

Start within and see that expand around you.

Retreat into your unlimited mind, your unlimited consciousness.

Seek what is within.

What is in there, anyway?

Shut out everything else, and you will begin to see it.

Stay there.

Let is seep into your every pore.

Breathe into it.

Let it fill you up.

And then breathe it out.

Go back inside, to the within.

Repeat the process.

Again and again.

You will begin to create something different.

You will learn how to shape it.

It will be your individuality.

It will not be like anyone else’s.

And then you will begin to attract like minds to this within “ness” of you.

They will be uniquely compatible.

You will find a different direction.

You will not be caught up in the patterns around you that limit you.

You will invent a new life.

You will shift your paradigm.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

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