Thursday, July 19, 2012

Peaceful Realtionships

When I am at peace with myself, that is what I see.

Shy, gentle looks and gentle actions connect me with my secret peaceful places.

I move calmly to those places and meet others there with peaceful intent.

We occupy those places peacefully.

We work and read and reflect.

We are gentle with ourselves and with others.

We create an atmosphere where peace can thrive.

We make no demands on others that we have not made on ourselves first.

We all feel it together.

We move gently and happily into our activities.

We have happy, joyous, delightful, witty conversations.

We solve our problems by immersing ourselves in good thoughts, good feelings.

The problems occupy less thought and dissolve the more we immerse ourselves in peace and joy and happiness.

Peace flows all around us and through us.

Peace inspires, regulates, expresses itself as us and as all whom we come in contact with.

Peace is an entity which visits and finally takes up residence within us.

Peace becomes our permanent state of mind with ourselves, with those we know and those we don’t know.

© 20912 Kathryn Hardage

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