Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Your purpose is why you are here.

You have a unique and individual expression of who you are.

Nothing can hide this from you for all time.

How soon can you discover it?

It is yours and nothing can distract you from it.

Your reason for being here is too important to miss.

You cultivate it, and when you find it, let nothing deter you.

Turn, always, toward your course.

Observe momentarily others’ distractions and then move on.

You have found your guiding light.

Follow it alone.

© 2012 Kathryn Hardage

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Calm in Transition

During periods of great transition, it is hard to remain calm.

It is easier and more tempting to get caught up in the strong emotions associated with change.

Whether it is excitement, depression or rage or happiness, the strong emotions are always reactions, not guides.

The guide, should it ever be explored, is always calm.

Calm lets you weigh your options.

Calm lets you receive peace and listen for the most peaceful soul-solution.

Calm lets you follow your own way instead of that which is being thrust at you.

You are not advertising your life.

You are living it and expressing it.

Your life is a life of contribution, always.

When you contribute from deep calm, when you know so deeply what you are and who you are, the transition, however different and unsettling to others, can be made peacefully for yourself.

Then others will feel it and contribute to it, too.

Or disappear.

© 2012 Kathryn Hardage