Thursday, April 18, 2019

A Made-Up Storm

I respond to my guidance within whenever I feel I am in the middle of a made-up storm.

Often, there are lots of opinions coming from multiple points of view.

Instead of trying to find my way through all the options, I listen calmly to my intuition.

Then, I walk my course right through the storm.

The storm may continue behind me, but once I am clear of it, it no longer confuses me.

I know what my direction is and I can focus on it and walk it.

There are many times that a path may draw criticism, so it is important to have a deep sense of purpose and direction.

Sometimes there are so many possible paths to take with advantages for each one.

In every case, your own inner guidance will give you clear direction.

You can bypass the confusion, criticism, options, opinions, (including your own), and take the calm path.

With so many people jockeying for position, it can seem that a particular path is surely the one to take.

Instead of following along with the excitement, it is much more valuable to become calm and to take a quiet path.

You are the person who can feel what is best for you.

No one else is standing where you are.

No one else can see what you can see.

It is your purpose and privilege to listen for the unique ideas and direction that comes to you.

No one else’s opinion or evaluation has any value whatsoever.

You attract the calm from within to create a balanced life-path.

The storm around you is just the confusion of lives which do not have the focus you do.

Let your life focus on calm and you can walk through the storm every time.

You will keep yourself productive and engaged with your life’s purpose.

The storm is not yours.

Calm is yours.

© 2019 Kathryn Hardage