Without the input of opinions and media harassment, there is a place to be utterly alone.
Alone is the most precious space imaginable.
In it, you can hear yourself.
Your Self is that unique commitment and combination of ideas which constitute who you are.
These ideas constitute your identity and purpose.
You can never hear them amidst all the noise around you.
They only come from within.
They come from the quiet listening which you do until you feel the peace of certainty, and then you know it.
You know what to do.
You know when to do it.
You easily connect with how to do it.
Resources appear right in front of you.
You are compelled to act.
You don’t feel whole until you complete your art, your project, your organization.
Your unlimited purpose shines through the work that only you can do.
Being alone gives you the reference point you need at any time along the way.
It is here.
© 2018 Kathryn Hardage