You can see what works and what does not.
You can see the trends which have brought us to where we are now.
You can see your place in it.
Find out what is working for you.
If nothing is working for you, begin to create it.
Live with the conviction of what it is that lets you expand your sense of life as good.
Feel the deep peace within you and let it be your guide to what is right and most effective.
Live to release the powerful good within you.
Your ideas are valid and are taking shape.
Your individuality flows forth and shapes the world around you.
You have undeniable grace.
Your life is the power of forgiveness and the desire to rise from the very beginning.
Leave the debris of confusion at your feet.
There is right motivation and right action to support you in your every step.
Yours is a precious heart and from it flows immense power.
You are creating a new way to live in the world, one which includes respect for every one.
Your life is both individual and inclusive.
Your power permeates the whole world.
© 2018 Kathryn Hardage