Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Treasure Your Preferences

After following through with someone else’s plan for my life, I have finally discovered the amazing benefits of doing what I love to do.

First of all, it was a challenge of self-doubt even to explore the idea of what I love to do.

I kept listening to the direction that came to me, though, and now have put together a combination of all my favorite things.

It feels completely different to be happy all the time about what I do.

I love every part of it.

I get to play with wonderful materials.

I get to meet with the people who enjoy the same kinds of activities I like to do.

I get to be a natural introvert and only share when I feel like it.

I get to play with designs and go to visit the print shop and see them work their magic on my originals.

It is fun to share the different steps with the people who are helping me bring about my products.

Trusting my preferences is leading to a delightful life and one that I can continue to build on with happiness and satisfaction.

© 2017 Kathryn Hardage