Sunday, August 31, 2014

The World's Path is Not Your Path

The world’s path is breaking down.

But your path is opening up.

Your unlimited spiritual nature is guiding you to do the simple unlimited things first.

As you become unselfish and competent at those things, you will be given more.

the more you increase your service, the more opportunities will continue expanding for you.

You are a precious and valued member of society and civilization.

Your work is to realize this and to see where that reality takes you.

You are here with a purpose and it is not the world’s purpose.

It is the path within you, longing to be expressed.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Until You Find Your Own Path

You work for someone else until you find your own path.

You apply yourself to your job, practicing the principles you want to express along your own best path.

By valuing the way you express your core beliefs, and listening for your unique contribution, you will find your path.

From your deep listening, you will draw all the resources you could ever need, all exactly at the right time.

They appear as you become aware of your need.

The world’s pattern is not your pattern.

Yours comes from deep within and you express it outwardly.

You have all you need, and even more to share as you continue on your listening path.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Lookin' Good

Posing for selfies is a fun way to keep track of what is going on and how good you are looking.

Going “within” is a good way to keep track of who you are and what you are doing from your deep down core.

Creating the match between who you are and your “gifted” work is the best of what can happen in your life.

Look well and deep.

Try out the feeling of being the best that you can be doing the work that enriches your soul, i.e., pleases you, the most.

Try out the feeling of doing something until you can do the work that really pleases you.

The good feeling will take you there faster, much faster.

Getting discouraged and annoyed will also take you there as you desperately work to turn your life in the direction you really wanted to go in the first place.

So, in making a good life for yourself, really consider what you are here on earth to do.

And get to it as soon as possible.

© 2014 Kathryn Hardage