Sunday, July 28, 2013

Your Freedom and Abundance

Written on July 23, 2013

Here you are, sharing your apartment, your house, your land.

Here you are, growing food in containers, in your yard, in your gardens.

Here you are, with each of you contributing your skills.

You share cooking, cleaning, earning.

You share child care, laundry and sewing skills, and car repair.

In your apartment complex, neighborhood, community, there are people with whom you barter, exchange services, and just look in and take care of.

No one is hungry.
No one is neglected.
No one is lonely.

You will well, in freedom and abundance.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

What Is Valuable To Me

Written on July 22, 2013

What is valuable to me is all that matters.

I can do the things that are needful.

I can do the things I am required to do.

I can do everything the way I have been told to.

But that has nothing to do with what is valuable to me.

What is valuable to me is the way I think about things.

Things have come into my life through certain routes, sequences of experiences.

They have come bouncing and bounding off other events.

When it all gets put together for me, I have my own point of view.

I extract what is valuable to me from all of this.

I utilize what I have gained in the most beneficial way for me.

It may look completely different from how someone else utilizes their experiences.

In fact, it should.

The point at which things come together for me should be different from anyone else.

It should be intriguing to meet other people and see how we all fit together, utilizing our unique talents.

Right now, we are all mostly playing a matching game, the lowest order of thinking.

Is it like me?  Is it different from me?

But integrating all of our experiences together and creating live, spontaneous relationships, would be quite interesting.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

You Will Figure It Out On Your Own

Written on July 19, 2013

You will have help, of course.

You will have distractions.

You will told to go this way or to do that.

But you will find your own course.

You will walk this way and try that path and listen to someone’s advice.

And when those run out or don’t work, you will look for something else.

Of course, it is within.

That is really the only place you will every find it.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, July 22, 2013

What is Valuable To Me

What is valuable to me is all that matters.

I can do the things that are needful.

I can do the things I am required to do.

I can do everything the way I have been told to.

But that has nothing to do with what is valuable to me.

What is valuable to me is the way I think about things.

Things have come into my life through certain routes, sequences of experiences.

They have come bouncing and bounding off other events.

When it all gets put together for me, I have my own point of view.

I extract what is valuable to me from all of this.

I utilize what I have gained in the most beneficial way for me.

It may look completely different from how someone else utilizes their experiences.

In fact, it should.

The point at which things come together for me should be different from anyone else.

It should be intriguing to meet other people and see how we all fit together, utilizing our unique talents.

Right now, we are all mostly playing a matching game, the lowest order of thinking.

Is it like me?  Is it different from me?

But integrating all of our experiences together and creating live, spontaneous relationships, would be quite interesting.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, July 8, 2013

Create a Better World

What are your tools?

Do not use the tools which created this world, to create a better world.

Do not use greed, competition, testing and a sense of limitation.

Instead use better tools.

Use imagination, limitlessness, kindness, generosity, and compassion.

The math will follow.

The science will support you.

Start with art.

Start with meaning.


© 2013 Kathryn Hardage

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Strength and Peace of Your Vision

When you breathe in to your deep peace, and let it fill you up until it overflows, you are creating an atmosphere around you of peace.

The more you practice your peace, the stronger it gets.

The people around you who want peace will be attracted to you.

Your collective deep peace builds even more strength.

Soon you find that the strength of your peace inspires and attracts more.

The good ideas for service that come to you through your deep consideration of peace will be executed in a peaceful manner.

The freedom to work in peace expands more and more with this practice.

Soon you are connecting to more and more communities of peace.

The high productivity you are able to manage through deep peaceful living will be noticed.

More and more people will want to join you in your practice.

As more and more projects are initiated and completed in peace, this will become the natural way of life for people.

This will create an expansion of peaceful projects everywhere.

© 2013 Kathryn Hardage